Paris, 13 June 2023 – NHOA Group (NHOA.PA, formerly Engie EPS), global player in energy storage, e-mobility and EV fastcharging infrastructure, is delighted to announce the publication of its 2022 Sustainability Report, unveiling the Sustainable Horizons strategy.
Sustainability is the core focus of NHOA Group since the very beginning, with three business units all devoted to one mission: enabling the global transition towards clean energy and sustainable mobility, shaping a better future for next generations.
Sustainability is also fully embedded in the Group’s vision, to be a technology global leader tackling climate change through:
- large-scale energy storage systems to enable a massive transition to affordable and clean energy
- plug&play residential charging solutions to simplify the transition to electric vehicles
- the largest EV fast and ultra-fast charging network in Southern Europe to accelerate EV adoption towards zero-emission mobility
In the context of this mission and vision fully centered on sustainability, together with the release of the 2022 Sustainability Report (www.nhoa.energy/sustainability), NHOA Group has launched its new Sustainable Horizons strategy.
The new Sustainable Horizons strategy, which spans until 2025 and includes a comprehensive set of ambitious goals, aims at reinforcing NHOA Group’s commitment towards United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) number 7 and 11, namely affordable and clean energy and sustainable cities and communities.
This commitment is deeply rooted in two strategic pillars: Innovation and People, which are essential components of the Group’s values included in the People Strategy, published on 5 June, 2023, on the occasion of the launch of NHOA Élite Program (www.nhoa.energy/documents/eliteprogram). These pillars harness Environment, Social and Governance fundamentals to empower the Group in achieving both its core business and sustainability targets.
Among the Environment targets set out in the Sustainable Horizons strategy figure achieving Climate Positivity, as to say removing additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere related to:
- Scope 1: direct emissions generated by the company, targeting Climate Positivity by 2024;
- Scope 2: indirect emissions generated by energy purchased and consumed by the company, targeting Climate Positivity by 2025;
- Scope 3: all other indirect emissions that are generated by the company’s value chain, setting the ambition to implement all possible and feasible measures to reach Climate Positivity by 2030.
Environment targets embrace also the core business of NHOA Group: in terms of energy storage installed capacity, NHOA Energy aims to reach 2.5GWh by 2025, while for the fast and ultra-fast EV charging network, Atlante targets to reach 5,000 points of charge by 2025.
With reference to Social targets, in order to further boost its commitment towards inclusion and diversity, NHOA Group, among others, decided to set a 40% target for women across all employees while always ensuring the current 50% share of women in management position. At the same time the company commits to keep a full equal pay between men and women, in line with current status.
From a Governance standpoint, one of the targets is to link a 30% share of top management’s remuneration to ESG objectives by 2025. With regards to the supply chain and in order to reduce all related risks, the Group commits to adopt sustainability performance rating tools, through which annual screens will be performed with the aim of assessing the corporate sustainability of a minimum of 80% of the Group’s supplier base.
“I am proud to present our new Sustainable Horizons strategy to reiterate our strong commitment to Environment, Social and Governance matters in the context of our mission to foster the energy transition and the fight against climate change.
I invite you to embark on this journey with us for the safeguarding of our planet, the urgency of climate change demands our immediate attention and requires unified, collective action.
So, join us on this remarkable journey, where sustainable energy, innovation, and the power of people intertwine. Together, we can build a future that is vibrant, prosperous, and sustainable-one that leaves a lasting legacy for generations to come.
Let us seize this opportunity to embrace the potential of green energy and create a world we can be proud to call our own”, commented Carlalberto Guglielminotti, CEO of NHOA Group.
With the new Sustainable Horizons strategy NHOA Group has the ambition to be ahead of industry standards and commits to the maximum level of transparency via annually communicating the progress made and all the adjustments the Group will make to ensure the highest level of commitment towards sustainability.
In the 2022 Sustainability Report an overview on 2022 activities, performance and community engagements is included, together with the new Sustainable Horizons full strategy, and particular attention is given to NHOA Energy and Atlante, which are wholly owned by NHOA Group.