Paris, 13 June 2024 – The Mixed General Meeting of NHOA S.A. (« NHOA »), global player in energy storage and e-mobility, active in the construction of the largest fastcharging network in Southern Europe, whose securities are admitted to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris (NHOA.PA), was held on 13 June 2024 at 10:30 a.m. (Paris time) at 2 Rue Ancelle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.
The shareholders were convened to vote on the following resolutions:
- Resolution n°1 – Approval of the individual financial statements of the Company for the financial year ended on 31 December 2023 and discharge to the members of the Board of Directors;
- Resolution n°2 – Approval of the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year ended on 31 December 2023;
- Resolution n°3 – Allocation of the results of the financial year ended on 31 December 2023;
- Resolution n°4 – Approval of the regulated agreements referred to under Articles L.225-38 et seq. of the French Commercial Code;
- Resolution n°5 – Approval of the expenses and charges referred to under Article 39,4° of the French General Tax Code;
- Resolution n°6 – Determination of the attendance fees allocated to the members of the Board of Directors;
- Resolution n°7 – Appointment of Mr. Carlalberto Guglielminotti as member of the Board of Directors;
- Resolution n°8 – Appointment of Mr. Giuseppe Artizzu as member of the Board of Directors;
- Resolution n°9 – Appointment of Mrs. Cynthia A Utterback as member of the Board of Directors;
- Resolution n°10 – Approval of the compensation policy applicable to all of the Company’s corporate officers (mandataires sociaux) for the 2024 financial year;
- Resolution n°11 – Approval of the compensation policy applicable to the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the 2024 financial year;
- Resolution n°12 – Approval of the compensation policy applicable to the Chief Executive Officer for the 2024 financial year;
- Resolution n°13 – Approval of the compensation policy applicable to the members of the Board of Directors for the 2024 financial year;
- Resolution n°14 – Approval of the overall compensation and benefits of any kind paid or granted to the corporate officers (mandataires sociaux) for the 2023 financial year;
- Resolution n°15 – Approval of the overall compensation and benefits of any kind paid or granted to the Chief Executive Officer for the 2023 financial year;
- Resolution n°16 – Approval of the overall compensation and benefits of any kind paid or granted to the members of the Board of Directors for the 2023 financial year;
- Resolution n°17 – Appointment of Deloitte & Associés, Statutory Auditor in charge of certifying sustainability information;
- Resolution n°18 – Authorisation granted to the Board of Directors to purchase shares of the Company under a share repurchase program;
- Resolution n°19 – Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors to reduce the Company’s share capital by cancelling the Company’s own shares under the conditions provided for in Articles L.22-10-62 et seq. of the French Commercial Code;
- Resolution n°20 – Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors to issue, without preferential subscription rights, ordinary shares and/or securities for the benefit of employees and officers of the Company and employees of related companies, beneficiaries of a company savings plan;
- Resolution n°21 – Authorization granted to the Board of Directors to allocate share subscription and/or share purchase options for the benefit of executive officers and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries;
- Resolution n°22 – Amendment to Article 2 “Purpose” of the Articles of Association of the Company in order to amend the Company’s purpose;
- Resolution n°23 – Amendment to Article 4 “Registered Office” of the Articles of Association of the Company in order to amend the Company’s registered office;
- Resolution n°24 – Amendment to Article 18 “Chief Executive Officer” of the Articles of Association in order to set at 75 years the age limit for the Chief Executive Officer;
- Resolution n°25 – Powers for formalities.
The shareholders’ attendance was as follows:
Total number of shares | 214,103,780 |
Total number of shareholders represented or giving a proxy to the chairman or voting by mail | 15 |
Total number of voting rights expressed by the shareholders represented or giving a proxy to the chairman or voting by mail | 187,965,213 |
Thus, the quorum reached was of 87,791%.
The results of the vote are as follows:
Resolution | Outcome | Votes in favor | Votes against | Abstention | ||
Resolution n°1 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100% | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°2 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°3 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°4 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100% | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°5 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100% | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°6 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100% | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°7 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100% | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°8 | Approved | 187,271,929 | 99.63 % | 693,170 | 0.37 % | 114 |
Resolution n°9 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°10 | Approved | 187,965,092 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 121 |
Resolution n°11 | Approved | 187,965,092 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 121 |
Resolution n°12 | Approved | 183,919,429 | 97.85 % | 4,045,663 | 2.15 % | 121 |
Resolution n°13 | Approved | 187,965,092 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 121 |
Resolution n°14 | Approved | 187,965,092 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 121 |
Resolution n°15 | Approved | 187,965,092 | 100% | 0 | 0.00 % | 121 |
Resolution n°16 | Approved | 187,965,092 | 100% | 0 | 0.00 % | 121 |
Resolution n°17 | Approved | 187,271,929 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 693,284 |
Resolution n°18 | Approved | 184,938,178 | 98.39 % | 3,026,921 | 1.61 % | 114 |
Resolution n°19 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°20 | Approved | 187,965,098 | > 99.99 % | 1 | < 0.01 % | 114 |
Resolution n°21 | Approved | 183,919,435 | 97.85 % | 4,045,664 | 2.15 % | 114 |
Resolution n°22 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
Resolution n°23 | Approved | 187,271,929 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 693,284 |
Resolution n°24 | Approved | 187,965,098 | > 99.99 % | 1 | < 0.01 % | 114 |
Resolution n°25 | Approved | 187,965,099 | 100 % | 0 | 0.00 % | 114 |
All the proposed resolutions were approved by the shareholders.