Milan, 24 March 2020 – Following the publication of the latest measures announced by the Italian Government with effect from 23 March for the containment of the COVID-19 outbreak and in order to widely lockdown industrial and production activities in Italy, ENGIE EPS communicates that:
• ENGIE EPS is allowed to continue its activities as it is deemed operating in sectors considered as “essential industries” such as Electrical Systems and Research & Development.
• Since the first confinement measures in Italy on 24 February, the Company’s industrial premises have remained fully operational, but have limited their activities to the sole projects that are essential to ensure business continuity. Meanwhile, ENGIE EPS implemented a smart working plan enabling all office-based employees to work from home.
• The first priority of ENGIE EPS remains the health of our employees and their families, therefore across all facilities, even with zero reported cases of contagion, the Company is implementing extraordinary cleaning and sanitization procedures.
• Operations at Company’s plants are regulated by protocols complying with the national and regional regulations as well as with World Health Organization recommendations.
• ENGIE EPS is supporting its main Italian suppliers so that they can qualify as functional to the continuity of industrial supply chain, in accordance with the latest regulations, in order to minimize potential interruptions.
However, in view of a probable decrease in the workload due to the impact of the latest lockdowns and global restrictions, as well on the overall Italian economic and industrial system, ENGIE EPS will assess the wider use of the extraordinary social safety nets and support measures announced by the Italian Government.
In any case, ENGIE EPS is confident of its ability to go through this difficult period, thanks to the solid financial situation in terms of available cash and approved credit lines, the constant support of the ENGIE Group, and the sustainability measures that have been announced by the Italian Government and the European institutions.”