Paris, 20 October 2023 – NHOA Energy, the company of NHOA Group (NHOA.PA, formerly Engie EPS) dedicated to energy storage, announces that it has been selected as turnkey supplier for a 39MWh Battery Energy Storage System in central Italy.
The project was selected by Terna, the Italian Transmission System Operator, in the 2024 Capacity Market auction, the remuneration system created to guarantee that long-term price signals and adequacy conditions of the electricity system are consistent with EU decarbonization objectives. Moreover, a new mechanism for Terna to procure in advance energy storage capacity is currently under review and will be finalized in the coming months, to underpin Italy’s target of 71GWh of new grid-scale battery storage by 2030 under the “Fit-for-55” EU framework (reducing greenhouse emissions by 55% by 2030).
Following the 70MW being delivered by NHOA Energy in the context of the Fast Reserve Units, the award of this project confirms NHOA Energy’s capability to design systems able to provide all the different energy storage services in the Italian market and paves the road for additional deployments in sight of the future storage auctions to reach the 2030 EU targets.
Located in central Italy, the system will be strategically positioned within the perimeter of the existing combined cycle gas plant, enabling the connection of the battery storage system with the existing power plant, and fully integrating into the plant’s control architecture while, at the same time, ensuring optimal performances and reliability.
“This award, in the context of the 2024 Capacity Market auctions, is an important signal and opens the doors for the future projects that Italy will need to put in view of the EU 2030 decarbonization objectives. At NHOA Energy, our vision aligns with creating a more sustainable future and doing so partnering with esteemed energy players and with the help of Terna amplifies our mission, allowing us to collaborate and innovate, redefining the landscape of renewable energy solutions for generations to come“, commented Fabrizio Ciaccia, Vice President EMEA of NHOA Energy.