“ENGIE EPS’ innovative Vehicle-to-Everything solution (V2X) will power, exclusively by using
electric vehicles, the fourth edition of Visionary Days.
Turin, 20 November 2020 – The digital event taking place on Saturday 21 November 2020 is organized by the Visionary Association with the support of the Politecnico di Torino and exceptional partners like FCA, Snam and Nestlé.
Visionary Days brings together every year thousands of young talents coming from different backgrounds, to exchange views and model jointly new ideas of the future. This year Visionary Days will address the concept of borders from every possible point of view: from the nation, to the society and the individual, to the new mobility perspectives, with a dedicated session focused on electric vehicles (EV) and the challenge of sustainable mobility. It is in this context that ENGIE EPS’ participation takes place: the company, in partnership with FCA, will present its innovative V2X solution.
ENGIE EPS’ V2X technology allows the use of electric vehicles’ batteries to power any device, from everyday home appliances (Vehicle-to-Home) to the lighting of a whole building (Vehicle-to-Building), making EVs, in all respects, an essential piece of the electric system of the future.
Furthermore, ENGIE EPS’ V2X guarantees the functioning of any device even in the case of power outage, using the electric vehicles to transform domestic grids into really proper and autonomous microgrids, where ENGIE Eps has historically integrated renewable sources with hydrogen and battery based storage systems.
During Visionary Days, the V2X has been set to manage the event’s energy needs with two electric New 500, and particularly the scenographic illumination and the digital devices, tools of capital importance in an event conducted necessarily in full digital format.
The installed solution consists in an up to 100kW and especially bidirectional fast charging station, that will allow the New 500 the total management of the energy flows even in the case of power outage, thanks to ENGIE EPS proprietary technology.
To follow the live streaming on November 21: http://visionarydays.com/live“