Atlante: two e-Mobility Hubs in Padua with 80 electric vehicle charging points, powered by 100% renewable energy

Paris-Milan, 12 July 2022 – Atlante, the company of NHOA Group (NHOA.PA, formerly Engie EPS) dedicated to electric vehicles fast and ultra-fast charging infrastructure, announces the award of the tender of the Municipality of Padua and the signing of the related contract for the installation of two innovative parking and electric vehicle charging Hubs 100% powered by renewable energy.

The two e-Mobility Hubs will provide for a total of 80 parking slots powered exclusively by renewable energy, produced also by the solar panels on the canopies that will cover 160 slots.

In line with the vision of sustainable mobility clearly traced by the Municipality of Padua, the two Hubs will be installed at the end of the city’s main tram line. The aim is both to encourage the adoption of electric mobility within the metropolitan area but also to promote the use of public transports into the city centre, in order to reduce the number of cars on the road.

Once completed the installation phase, the project foresees the integration of the charging infrastructure and photovoltaic canopies with storage systems and with a technology allowing energy exchange (Vehicle-to-Grid). This innovative architecture will allow, first of all, to  store and thus to make the best of locally produced solar energy. Moreover, it will also offer a much higher number of ultra-fast charging points compared to what would be possible using only the resources available from the power distribution network. Finally, the innovative energy storage and energy exchange technologies to be used will enable Atlante to provide services to stabilise the national power grid.

Apart from the immediate need to provide the Municipality of Padua with Hubs for sustainable electric mobility, Atlante technologies and the relative grid services will allow, on the one hand, to offer a charging service at competitive rates, and on the other will contribute to the strengthening and the storage capacity of the national power system, an essential factor in achieving energy independence, now more urgent than ever.

Padua, pragmatic and visionary, is getting ready for the electric revolution: I’m proud that the current Administration is once again demonstrating, with yet another practical initiative, the attention it pays to sustainability and innovative mobility. The future, as said by Europe, belongs to electric vehicles, and that’s why this city – as per its tradition – is looking ahead, to the future, preparing our car parks for electric vehicles, for a greener and more inclusive Padua. I’d like to thank Atlante for selecting Padua as the first city to invest in, bringing its unique skill set to deliver the Municipality’s vision towards the ecological transition and an increasingly sustainable mobility”, stated Carlo Pasqualetto, Innovation Officer at the Municipality of Padua.

In order to encourage both the adoption of electric vehicles and the increase in the use of the tram network mainly from commuters, the Administration has thrown down the gauntlet of a major innovation challenge for the market, requiring ideas and solutions for a new concept of sustainable mobility. Atlante has enthusiastically taken up the challenge by proposing a highly innovative project immediately useful and available for the community, also thanks to the photovoltaic canopies that cover double the parking slots dedicated to EV charging. These two e-Mobility Hubs in Padua are the first of their kind in Italy”, noted Stefano Terranova, CEO of Atlante.

The infrastructures, which foresee 72 ultra-fast and 8 quick points of charge, will be built in two stages, with the aim of realizing the photovoltaic canopies and opening the first charging points by the end of this year.

All points of charge will be open to all electric vehicles and compatible with every charging standard and service provider for electric mobility. Setting up these charging Hubs in Padua represents a major step forward for Atlante to promote the development of sustainable mobility, in synergy with public administrations.


Atlante: two e-Mobility Hubs in Padua with 80 electric vehicle charging points, powered by 100% renewable energy
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