Ludovica Solera


Work Experience
Ludovica Solera joined NHOA, Engie EPS at the time, in 2015 as Chemical specialist supporting the H2 R&D team in the assessment of the components’ materials and in CE certification process of the hydrogen platform. In 2017 she was involved in the design of the Integrated Management System of Engie EPS, certifying it according to the standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (today recertified according to ISO 45001:2018), leading the qualification process of the company as supplier of the main European utilities and becoming HSEQ Manager. Currently she is in charge also of the Organization and HR, coordinating a team of five people, and she is in f ront line in the management of the COVID-19 emergency.

Mrs Solera graduated cum laudae in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Turin.

Family & Free Time
Mrs Solera loves travelling by motorbike, trekking and skiing. She played volleyball for 16 years and owes to this sport much of what she is today.