NHOA at the forefront of Safety and Quality Standards in the Energy Storage Sector

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Milan, 10 March 2022 – NHOA, with more than 15 years of experience in microgrids, has always been committed to achieving the highest safety standards essential in the development of electrical energy storage systems.

Thanks to a unique team of highly specialized engineers that ensures safety and quality, NHOA’s energy storage systems comply with the latest international standards.

Recently, in the framework of safety certifications, NHOA Energy, NHOA Group’s Global Business Line dedicated to stationary energy storage, achieved for its high-density energy storage product the UL 9540 ESES listing certification, as declared by UL, a global safety science leader, in a dedicated Press Release.

This achievement enabled NHOA Energy to install two utility-scale energy storage systems in California and Massachusetts, highlighting its focus on the US Energy Storage market, and to provide safer and more competitive solutions.

In addition to UL 9540, NHOA’s Certification and Quality Team has further certifications in the pipeline, among the most relevant: for the American market UL 1741 and IEEE 1547, and for the Australian market AS 62477 and AS 4777, both for Inverter Safety and Grid Code compliance. In the same context of international standards, IEC 62933 for Energy Storage System Safety and IEC 62443 for Cyber security are other two targets for NHOA solutions.

A new video that fully captures the activities of NHOA’s Certification and Quality Team in our Industrial Plant located in Cosio Valtellino, northern Italy, has been released today on our corporate website and YouTube Channel.

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